Applications and payment will be collected through an online system. This system is available at OMMA . You will need a valid email address to login to this system. This email address will be used to send notices once you create an account.
You will need to visit your doctor and have him or her complete and sign the Adult Patient Physician Recommendation Form. A digital copy of this form must be submitted with the application through the online system.
This form must be dated within 30 days of the date you apply. For instance, if your physician signs the recommendation form on September 30, the application must be submitted by October 30.
Cannabis-infused topicals are a relatively new mode of medicating with cannabis. Topicals enable many patients the accessibility, safety, and efficacy of a proven method of using medication. Topicals are typically cannabis-infused lotions, balms, and oils that are absorbed through the skin for localized relief of pain, soreness, and inflammation. Often times these are non-psychoactive and are chosen by patients who want the therapeutic benefits of marijuana without orally consuming the medication.